
Rapid changes in the field of education have left a profound impact on the role of “Higher Education Institutions” will be playing in future. With due respect, I envision Surana College at Peenya, Bangalore as a diamond stud added to the crown of Surana Group of Institutions to undergo a transition from versatility to super specialty.
Surana College, Peenya campus has been strategically established the legacy of success presented by Surana Group of Institutions in providing quality education which is well backed up with University ranks of academic excellence, excellent track record of placements, excellence in sports and identity in the field of Arts and Cultural.
Banking on our experience, we have single-mindedly committed ourselves to innovatively enrich the course curriculum prescribed by our affiliating University to meet up the industrial demands, vetted by industry experts and applied with complete dedication to achieve academic excellence.
Our vision is to make Surana College, Peenya campus the “Centre for Innovation”, a name to reckon with in the academic fraternity by giving a strong impetus to create an environment of interdisciplinary knowledge application and holistic inspiring students to lead tomorrow’s world. The quality faculty selection procedures, infrastructure and systems are set in place to manage the organization. We are prepared to accept new challenges and make our institution a globally renowned educational centre of knowledge and innovation.
I wish my children a great success and looking forward to have a wonderful journey with you!!
Shri Dilip Surana
Surana Educational Institutions