Anti- Human Trafficking Cell (AHTC)

Human Trafficking is an atrocious crime and has been prohibited under the Article 23 of the Constitution of India. It is an undisguised violation of human dignity and debasement of the inherent worth of human being.

The government, citizenry and civil society must come together to fight against this crime to protect many lives. The role of our younger generation is significant in this context. The youth have a considerable social influence to bring about remarkable changes in Anti-Human Trafficking Works.

The AHTCā€™s will provide a unique platform for students in colleges to understand the issue, disseminate information, raise awareness, and prevent human trafficking in their communities/surroundings. lt is also unique because it allows students to engage proactively with government bodies, police and local NGOā€™s.

As there is surge in nefarious act of human trafficking, an awareness as well as involvement of students play a pivotal role in assuaging it. Prosecution, Protection, and Prevention are the 3 Ps of trafficking victim protection Act and our aim is to disseminate it across with the help of students for higher awareness and mitigation.

The human trafficking can be prevented by several types of intervention. It needs to focus on areas of sensitization and awareness in public and with those vulnerable areas which are responsible for creating such an environment for human trafficking. These initiatives will fructify only if we address these issues at grass root level and it all narrows down to knowing the existence of the issue and making conscious efforts to make people aware of the situation. Here involvement of School, College, Students and faculties would help in outspreading the awareness which in turn will multi-fold the impact.

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