Jimmy Dean once said, “I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” This is very true in life and apt for the prevailing situation in the education sector. The current pandemic ushered in a pressing need to improve the digital literacy of students and teaching professionals. To respond to the needs of the learners, educators have been implementing digital teaching methodologies for the continuance of education despite the pandemic challenges in the education sector. It is imperative to look at the process of learning and development for the comfort of the student community.
Addressing Challenges In The Midst Of Pandemic
Necessity arises for a pragmatic approach in addressing complex issues of young minds as well as eradicate pandemic depression to ensure advancement in changing circumstances. Education empowers everyone and it plays a vital role in developing personality, reinforcing positive thoughts and preparing humans for life experiences. Due to the current pandemic, the student community has been observing challenges in learning and to cope with unexpected circumstances. With an intent to engage with the students of Surana College – Peenya Campus has catered to involve a curriculum that integrates innovative teaching methodologies while keeping it interesting by making it more student-driven and participative.
The Rise Of Online Learning During Pandemic Time
For students, who cannot participate in online learning space due to socio-economic issues, there are flexible options available to access education. Despite the deep socio-economic concerns for online learning, Educationists and teaching professionals have been exhibiting their enormous efforts in empowering young minds. To ensure holistic development for the student community, administrators from the educational institutions have been striving their bests to provide innovative online teaching and learning space. We have made a provision for students to acquire knowledge at their convenience and not just be confined to the constrained-rigid timetable. Creation of repository which facilitates visit and revisits, with a prior lesson plan and the snippets of the information are shared among the peer group as well as with the student fraternity.
Enabling Right Strategies To Revolutionize Online Education
Self–motivation is the need of the hour for the continuance of learning in one way or another, as learning must continue for the student community. Education enables individuals to perceive the hurdles as challenges and to overcome them without any fear. To overcome the challenges in the digital era, researchers and academicians have been examining and analyzing the teaching-learning process to surpass the hurdles. Technologization has paved path to revolutionize the education during such unprecedented times and formulate the bases for ontological and epistemological positions. We have deliberately created a design that is driven and influence by pedagogical practices to enhance student engagement and experience.
Undoubtedly, the sudden shift from regular to online education has created barriers in education. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the emotional well-being of educators and students is a major concern that needs to be tackled effectively by both the educational community and society in general. Nevertheless, it is the educator’s responsibility to educate even during these crisis times and overcome the challenges in online teaching. That’s why educators have been developing several strategies and adapting innovative teaching practices to create an efficient online learning space.
We at Surana College-Peenya Campus, unlike other educational institutions, have faced this sudden challenge to transition the work from classroom to digital platform. It was seamless, as we had utilized technology right in place for an easy transit from offline to online platform, but the true challenge was to change the perception of our students towards online education. Our motive has always been “Student-centricity” and with this intent, we concocted and tweaked our strategies to increase student belongingness by making them part of the transition. Predetermined learning path with expected outcomes, continuous feedback, personalization, unhindered access to information, usage of explorative learning with an abundance of open sources were a few of the evolved way forwards we inculcated.
Thus, the changes in everyday life during the pandemic have manifested the reality to be experienced and we metamorphosized to be more learned and be prepared to march fearlessly ahead with faith to reach our goals.
It is an integral part of our professional devoir and unhindered dedication as educators to create the possibilities for the better future with awaits to flourish under the wings of education!!!!